
  • Spermicide is usually a cream, foam, or gel applied inside the vagina or inside a diaphragm (link to diaphragm) before sex. The only form of spermicide available in Canada is ContraGel, a jelly that contains lactic acid.

  • Spermicide kills sperm on contact. It works best when used with another barrier method, like diaphragms or condoms.

  • Spermicide is available at most pharmacies without a prescription. They cost $15-$20.

How to use it

Always use vaginal spermicides with another form of birth control (e.g., condoms).

  1. Always use the right amount of spermicide (see package directions).

  2. Before using a spermicide, check the expiry date on the package. Don’t use products that are expired.

  3. Put the spermicide up high in the vagina to cover the cervix.

  4. With some spermicide products, you have to wait before you have sex (see package directions).

  5. You have to put spermicide in each time you have sex.

  6. Don’t rinse or douche for at least 6 hours after having sex (douching is not ever recommended).




Copper IUD