Condom Use & Size
External condoms are a thin cover of latex, polyurethane or polyisoprene that covers the penis during sex (oral, anal, and/or vaginal).
External condoms catch ejaculate from the penis, so no fluid transfer occurs. This makes condoms effective in preventing pregnancy AND STI transfer; the only form of birth control to do so other than diaphragms (internal condoms).
Condoms are available over the counter at pharmacies, some convenience stores, and adult supply stores. They generally retail for about $1 each, so a box of ten is usually between $9-$12.
Condoms are provided free at Lethbridge Sexual Health Centre and U of L Women’s Centre.
How to use it
Make sure they are not expired. Expired condoms are not effective. The expiry date should be printed on the box or on the wrapper of the condom.
Store in a cool, dry place. Wallets are convenient, but they can degrade the condom. A bedside table drawer is the best location.
Make sure the condom is sized correctly. Correctly sized condoms have less chance of breaking or slipping. Check out this post for tips on how to select properly sized condoms.
Remove the condom from the wrapper. Pinch the tip of the condom, and roll the condom all the way to the base of the erect penis.
When pulling out, grab the base of the condom to prevent slippage. Carefully remove the condom and throw away.
Be sure to use a new condom after ejaculating or switching between anal/vaginal sex.